Dr Charles Kelley, its founder, preferred to think of Radix as an educational process rather than as therapy. He felt that calling practitioners Radix ‘teachers’ rather than ‘therapists’ would empower clients, and enable them to see that they could learn to heal themselves – with assistance and guidance. Likewise he felt that calling clients ‘students’ highlighted the fact that people can learn new ways of dealing with their lives, and are not ill or damaged.
While Kelley’s original thinking and philosophical stance still underpins the application of Radix work, the theory and the method have been developed further, and as the power and effectiveness of the approach is recognised, Radix practitioners find themselves working in a way that most members of the general public and the psychotherapy community would consider to be psychotherapy.
Nevertheless, Dr Kelley’s influence lives on in that Radix therapists do not consider themselves experts. Rather the work is about creating and developing a relationship between the client and therapist that enables them jointly to embark on a process of discovery and change. Working in this way is very demanding. It requires the Radix practitioner, to be present in the moment at all times. It also requires the client to develop an attitude of acceptance for whatever is happening in the session and a deep sense of curiosity regarding their own process. One of the most challenging and most important aspects of Radix work is fostering and maintaining this attitude of curiosity and acceptance in both the therapist and client.