Assessment of Personal Work
No formal assessment of this is made although the trainee's progress is closely monitored. Throughout the course of training, the trainee must report on their personal work in each monthly supervision report and indicate progress and challenges. The course of each trainee's personal work is unique. Progress is reflected in an increasing ability to understand one's character structure and process and how it interacts with that of one's clients, trainees, and trainers. The demonstrated ability to stay open and take charge of the emotional, cognitive, and behavioural responses. while engaging fully and in an alive way with clients, fellow trainees, training staff and Association members and the fullness of their process is a primary goal. Whilst no one can 'fail' in this area, trainee's progress in the course may be held back if their therapist, trainer or supervisor considers that their personal process is restricting their effectiveness or professional accountability with their clients. At such times, conference meetings are held with the trainee, the supervisor and if necessary the therapist to mutually plan an appropriate personal growth program.
Assessment of Understanding and Application of Conceptual and Technical Material
No grades are given for any of the oral or written assignments but all must be submitted and passed to obtain certification. If an assignment is unsatisfactory, the trainee will be required to resubmit it until it satisfies criteria. Depending on the criteria for the assessment, the re submission may involve rewriting the paper or taking an oral examination or running more clinical practice sessions. Some of the theoretical assignments and tests must be satisfied before a trainee can complete the next level module. Others can be satisfied at any time during the course of the program.
Failure on any assignment, written or oral exam does not result in exclusion from the course. Rather the trainee is encouraged to explore with their supervisor the factors effecting this result and to resit the exam when ready. The goal of these assignments and tests is to assist the trainees to master and apply the concepts. Hence the topics of some of the assignments are determined in accordance with the issues confronting the trainees progress and mastery. For this reason, exams for example, can be taken as many times as necessary until a satisfactory grade is achieved.
Assessment of Clinical Practice
Having completed Modules One and Two if a participant indicates that they wish to complete the full training program, they are required to set up a small group of four to six people with whom they work both individually and in a group setting each month. After each session, workshop or group, the trainee and the client completes a structured evaluation and feedback form about the session. At the end of each month, the trainee collates this information and writes a monthly report for each of their 'clients.' This report is then sent to their supervisor and forms the basis of the monthly supervision session. Failure to submit these forms results in suspension of practice.
The supervisor uses these reports to guide the direction of their teaching and feedback. Aside from this, the trainees ability to work with these also request an extra session where this work is observed directly. Such sessions and the hiring of a venue for them are at the trainees expense.
The trainees general ability to work with a variety of clients is also assessed at training workshops either with their work with fellow trainees or at the two special training workshops held during the program, where trainees give individual sessions under supervision to participants attending a Radix personal growth workshop. As with the other areas of training no grades are given. At various stages of the course, however, specific criteria related to developing professional practice skills must be satisfied. Failure to satisfy these will result in a trainee's progress being delayed.
A detailed description of the specific criteria for completion of each phase of training is available in the Training Standards manual. This is currently being revised.
Since trainees are not graded in their work, their progress is reviewed periodically by the trainers. Usually at the end of each training Module. The trainee may be examined orally and/or in writing at review periods or simply this time is used to reflect on what needs completion and how this is going to be achieved in the next few months.
Certificates will only be given to trainees who have demonstrated their ability to understand and to do the work well, even if all other requirements have been met. The periodic reviews inform a trainee of their problem areas and progress toward the Certificate.
Trainees may be asked to do added work, or, in exceptional cases, be excused from that which is clearly unnecessary.
Delayed Certification
The trainee must remain under supervision until they complete all requirements for Certification. Such supervision must occur at a minimum of once a month.
Leave of Absence
Leaves of Absence from the program for fixed limited periods may be granted under special circumstances. The maximum period for such leave is six months. Upon taking leave of absence, trainees must cease practising Radix with their contract group members and other clients until full participation in the course is resumed. In some circumstances trainees may take leave from clinical practice with clients while continuing with the course structure. This partial leave of absence is also limited to six months. In both cases, unused supervisions/ services fees will be held for six months. After this time period they will be forfeited. Sometimes a trainee is asked to take leave as when their personal work or conceptual understanding has not moved them far enough to cope effectively with the teaching problems they face. The same conditions apply.
Withdrawal from the Course
Sometimes upon entering and engaging with the programme, a trainee makes a decision to withdraw from the course. In these circumstances, one month's notice is required to withdraw from the course and notice of this intention must be given in writing to the Director of Training. Any outstanding fees are to be paid up until the date that the withdrawal application is received by the Director of Training. Upon withdrawal, there are no reimbursements of fees paid. Fees for any unused supervision sessions / training services are forfeited. If such a person decides to re enter the training program at a later date, a meeting will be held with the Training Director to decide what if any credit will be given for previous participation in the course and to determine the applicant’s status in the training program.
Distance Education
The course encompasses this possibility although extra fees may be involved for transporting supervisors and trainers for on site supervisions and workshops. Personal work may need to be negotiated in blocks.
Licensure after Certification
The Term "Radix" and the Radix logo are registered Service Marks of the Radix Institute, USA and may be used only by therapists who are licensed by the Radix Institute, the Australian Radix Body Centered Psychotherapy Association (ARBPA) or the European Radix Teachers Association (ERTA). Trainees are automatically on probationary license by virtue of being in the Training Program. Completion of the Australian Radix Training Centre program in Australia qualifies a person to apply for licensing. They agree to observe the Radix Teachers Code and the Rules and Standards of the Radix Institute and the Australian Radix Body Centered Psychotherapy Association. Practitioners who do not choose to be licensed by the Radix Teachers Association after they complete their training may not use the term "Radix" or the Radix logo to describe or to identify their work, other than to call themselves "Certified Radix Teachers" or "graduates of the Radix Training Program".
The Australian Radix Body Centered Psychotherapy Association (ARBPA) is an organisation of licensed Radix therapists and practitioners in Australia and a constituent member of PACFA. The graduates of our program may apply to become probationary members on the PACFA National Register of Psychotherapists and Counsellors. Upon completion of the PACFA requirement of two years supervision post Certification, they are eligible for full membership on this PACFA National Register.